Memorize your verse!
Study your spelling!
Did you read?
Don't stick your finger in the socket!
What is a digit?
Be respectful and act responsibly!
Study your spelling!
Did you read?
Don't stick your finger in the socket!
What is a digit?
Be respectful and act responsibly!
I have no grand tales of our favorite Knight and Princess, so I'm sorry to disappoint my faithful readers. Today went pretty well. I did teach my first lesson, which I thought was an epic fail towards the end. They kind of zoned out at the end. Oh well. The one thing that worked well was how I paired the kids up and assigned them different passages. The Ezekiel passage was a little more complicated so I gave it to two of the boys who are pretty good readers and have decent comprehension. The one boy nailed it! He really understood what it was talking about.
I need to write my next Egypt lesson for Tuesday. I'm going to have them look through books and read about the Egyptian's hygiene, makeup, and clothing. Then we'll divide into centers and we'll make costumes. The first center will be Egyptian wigs, the second will be neck pieces, the third will be dresses for the girls and kilt-like things for the boys, and because the boys have it easy, they're going to make armbands. It might take 2 periods, but if not, we can compare the Egyptian's idea of beauty, style, and hygiene to what we do today. At the end of the unit, which I might not be here for, I want to have Egyptian Games and they can come dressed up in their costumes and play Egyptian Jeopardy. That will be a good assessment for how much they got out of the unit. Haha.
Your ideas for making the Egyptian study sound positively splendid!