Let's make Egyptian costumes!
Where is Ivan?
Memorize your verse!
Study your spelling!
Did you read?
Don't stick your finger in the socket!
What is a digit?
Be respectful and act responsibly!
Where is Ivan?
Memorize your verse!
Study your spelling!
Did you read?
Don't stick your finger in the socket!
What is a digit?
Be respectful and act responsibly!
Well, Ivan is still inflicted with a horrible bout of influenza. That means he's woefully behind since we made Egyptian costumes today. The kids were really into it and loved it... they read books on it first and listed some of the things that the Egyptians did. They were fascinated with the perfumed animal fat. Hahaha. We're going to finish the lesosn on Thursday, much to their disappointment. "Why can't we do it tomorrow???" They were happy that they were the first 3rd grade class to do Egyptian costume making too. Hahaha. Cute kids.
Glad they liked your lesson idea! Sounnds fun!