Wednesday, August 12, 2009

On the fifth day of 3rd grade my teacher said to me...

Did you read?
Put your homework in the inbox!
Don't stick your finger in the socket!
What is a digit?
Be respectful and act responsibly!

Continuing the Mid-Evil tales, the knight of doom, Ivan the Terrible, managed to have to write an apology letter in his music class today because he pulled the hair of the fair maiden of the Land of Motor Mouth, Princess Talks-A-Lot. Shame on the young brat. On the other hand, the blue-eyed and sweet-tempered Prince Charming (who just happens to struggle with dyslexia) got a special note from his computer teacher for being so well behaved or something. He was all smiles. What a cute kid. He had a couple frustrating moments in school today, poor guy.

The day went rather smoothly. I wasn't paying attention for the first half of the morning because I was writing a lesson and doing some lesson observation stuff. Last night I compiled a list of ideas for the Egypt unit and it was really fun. I enjoyed it, and I hope I get some more creative ideas online. I wrote a lesson plan on Egypt in the Bible and I have the kids divided into 4 groups. They're looking at various passages that mention Egypt and are going to write down stuff they learned. Then in the end, I tie it in with the fact that though Ancient Egypt might be fun to study because it's interesting and maybe "cool," the Egyptians didn't honor God and God judged them and took away all the riches that they were so proud of before. I have a group looking at some passages in Ezekiel. I want them to keep thinking about that as we study the unit -- and think about the Israelites, God's people, who were in the midst of such a land and culture and did not always have the happiest of times, but God was with them every step of the way. Because my lesson needed different pairs than the ones already set up in the room (because of the amount of reading and writing that the lesson requires), we moved everyone around while they were in computer class. They came back and were confused and couldn't find their desks at first. Hahaha.

I have a video to watch on Ancient Egypt. My next lesson is going to be on the Nile. We'll see how that goes.