Except it's not summer anymore.
Well today went ok. We had chapel this morning and we were singing a bunch of Sunday School songs (that I happened to be listening to while doing language arts lesson plans last night...) and the kids were singing heartily. We started with "Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, halleluah! Praise ye the Lord!" and alternated standing up and sitting down... and lines -- first one side, then the other and later boys and girls. I love hearing a lot of kids sing.. in tune.. and I know all the words anyway because I know the songs. Hahahahaa. We sang "Father Abraham" which has no theological value and they made the teachers get up there and do right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot.. etc. Some of the teachers were quite into it. Hahahaha. Anyway, the whole singing thing made my day.
My language arts lesson was mostly a review but they flew through it and we had to kill time. Woops. It worked out fine though.
We're doing suffixes in spelling and how to spell words properly when you add -er, -est, -ing, etc. Because of our increasing difficulties with the Duchess Whines-Too-Much, I introduced spelling by writing "WHINE" up on the board and identified it as the base word. Then I asked them how to spell it if I wanted to add the suffix -ing. They spelled it and then I asked them if they knew what "whining" meant. Janine (we had planned this) raised her hand and said in a very whiny voice, "Why are we doing this??? This is dumb!!!" and the kids followed suit and demonstrated what whining is. Ha. Then I had them look up Philippians 2:14. The fair duchess had a guilty look on her face the whole time. She found the verse first and said, "It says no complaining!" Hahaha.. So we all read the verse together! Too bad I didn't teach them my Steve Green song...
Do everything without complaining!
Do everything without arguing!
So that you may become blameless and pure
Children of God!
Without complaining!
Without arguing!
Do, do, do, do everything!!!
Do everything without complaining!
Do everything without arguing!
So that you may become blameless and pure
Children of God!
We talked about our classroom rules and how whining breaks our rule about being respectful. They went to recess and I printed out an octagon with the word "WHINING" in the middle with a line through it. I put the no whining sign on the whiteboard so they could see it. Later I stuck the Philippians verse next to it. A couple times throughout the day the fair Duchess would start to whine and then look at me and smile and stop. I think she got convicted. Haha. Hopefully they'll remember!
I know that song (learned it at camp when I was a kid), but didn't know it was a Steve Green song! Good job with Duchess - hopefully the improvement will last!