Friday, July 31, 2009


Hello fans!

Being here has had a strange effect on my semi-bilingualism. Why do I suddenly feel the inspiration to constantly use Tagalog at every opportunity? In Manila, I ask directions in English. I talk to random people in English. Here, I try my Tagalog out at every opportunity. Maybe it’s because the Visayans aren’t native Tagalog speakers and probably won’t care that I sound like a terrible Tagalog speaker. I have also discovered that Tagalog gets me around really well… compared to in Cebu. Oh well. The point is: my Tagalog has improved. (Yeah right.) I like to pretend my knowledge of Tagalog and Visayan is overwhelming. Too bad the only thing I can say is “Pila?” for “How much?”. Fail.

So today… we went to a different mall. This is the oldest mall in Davao (I think). I was busy talking to my co-op and Jenn came by and said that her co-op and family were going to McDonalds and Victoria Mall and wanted to know if we wanted to come. We decided it was something to do and why not visit another mall? I mean come on… having 5 malls within 10 miles (or something) is a novelty. (Whatever) Anyway, apparently tsinelas are out and my one pair of sandals is kind of sad looking so I ended up getting a pair of really cheap shoes that I’m not a huge fan of but hey, they work. They’re also white which means by the end of the first day teaching, they’ll be black.

Apparently there’s a big handicraft store somewhere around here named Aldenico. I have yet to find it. It was supposedly nearby Victoria Mall but Jenn’s co-op didn’t know where. I asked the guard in terrible Tagalog if he knew where it was and he didn’t and neither did anyone else I asked. Oh well. One of these days we’ll find it.

So… today the teacher we live with was supposed to fly in. We went with the principal to pick her up and she wasn’t on the plane. She had missed the plane in Korea or something. I don’t really know where she is, but I got meat for dinner just in case. Oh well. We needed to eat too anyway.

Oh and in case any of you are interested in my culinary endeavors, it’s not that interesting. Hahaha! Ok, Jenn and I took the tricycle down the road to the market a couple days ago and we got a lot of vegetables for stirfry. Vegetables and fruit are relatively cheap here, which is great. My marketing skills aren’t great, but I just picked a couple places that looked good. Who knows if I got a real bargain or not… Mrs. Farlin said that she doesn’t really bargain because most of the prices are pretty good. I also don’t know how to bargain in Visayan or Tagalog. So we had stirfry (with chicken mixed in it) and rice last night. The chicken breasts I found at one grocery store weren’t deboned (it was cheaper that way I think) so I mutilated—I mean—deboned them myself. Then for dinner tonight I made adobo (PS – I think I like cooking the pork before adding the sauce) and steamed vegetables (cabbage, sayote, and carrots). So even if you think I’m an unimaginative cook – we aren’t starving! Oh, and for breakfast I got inspired to go all out. I found some luncheon meat (reminiscent of Spam, processed stuff that probably clogs your arteries) and chopped it up and fried it with cubes of potatoes, salt, and pepper. We had it with eggs and rice… ok, I had the rice. We also had fruit salad (pineapple – which is really cheap here – mangos, and bananas). I really enjoy having a kitchen to play in… and a market to discover.

My chief entertainment right now is killing ants. We have a bad ant problem in the kitchen. They tend to find the TINIEST piece of food and all congregate around it. They’re pretty annoying little things, although I do enjoy spraying them with Raid. It’s like a deadly version of hide and seek – find where they’re coming from and BANG! Spray them down. At least they’re not roaches. I think if they were roaches I would freak out. Ants, however, I can handle.

Tomorrow, which will be today by the time I post this, is new teacher orientation. We are going to, you know, get oriented! Should be loads of fun. Word just told me that the previous sentence is a sentence fragment. I know.

I talked to my co-op a bit today. She grew up in Nasuli. Interestingly enough, she went to Faith in Manila for 9th and 10th grade and her flute teacher was MY flute teacher! Cool! I am realizing that this American missionary world is really small. Who knew! At least now I feel cooler because I can say “Oh yeah, I met that person…” It makes me feel “in.” Hahaha! Joke lang. Oh yeah, the point of this paragraph was to say that my co-op said that her two strengths are math and science and her weakness is English and Language arts. PERFECTO! There are only 8 kids in the class, but is apparently a very challenging bunch. This should be fun!

And that would be my update for the night. As you can see, I can write a lot about nothing.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We are in Davao.. the land of the fruit! I really like Davao City.. it's still a city, but not crowded. It's HUGE but it doesn't feel that big. It's definitely not like Manila and the appearance reminds me of Paranaque, but with considerably fewer people.

I've been busy masquerading as either American or Filipino. It's quite interesting. I'm also trying my best to masquerade as a Visayan who tends to speak Tagayanlish. Figure that out. However, I found out there is a lot more Tagalog here than in Cebu. We haven't done too much since being here. We moved in to a house that is two houses down right outside the gate of Faith. Very convenient. It's a really nice house. We're sharing it with the 5th grade teacher. Normally another teacher lives there but she's on furlough so we're in her room.

Yesterday we went down to the market to get veggies and fruit. Today we're going to go down to the mall for some things. Last night JV, a guy from the church in Ozamiz, came by and took us out to dinner. He's working here in Davao and has been here for a little over a year.

We don't have internet in the house, so we have to come over to school. At least it's really close.

Oh yes, any letters, packages, cookies.... can be sent to
Becky Hofmaier
c/o Faith Academy
#7 Jade St.
Marfori Heights, Davao City
Davao 8000

That's probably the best way to get mail to me.

Peace out!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

When it rains it pours...

Alright, well we did quite a lot in the few days but I am uninspired to be very interesting (as if I ever am). Sunday was very good. It was nice to be back with the brethren and to see familiar faces and experience the warmth of fellowship. However, I said as many hi's as I did bye's because I won't be back until September! A lot of people came over after church Sunday night and ate food and stuff.

I just lost all my inspiration because my dad came over and kissed me. Ew. Hahaha

Moving on...

Monday we decided that MOA wasn't enough and that Jenn should be introduced to more malls. First we stopped by the American Cemetary and she found that her great great uncle was in their records! (He died on a ship) We took a picture of his name on the wall of missing people but they're going to send her a better picture to her address in the States. After that we went to Market Market (another kind of mall) and then on to Mega Mall where we met Eunice to go bowling.

Bowling was fun and of course we had food afterwards. (Duh) I opted for Jollibee because Jenn needed to experience the sensation of delicious fast food that clogs your arteries. Mmm yummy! Hahahaha.

Today I went to the dentist and got my teeth all shiny white (not). No cavities yet! We then went to Intramuros and tried to go to the light and sound show on the history of the Philippines but you needed a group of 10 people minimum. Even though I'm apparently obese, I don't make up for 6 other people. So we went back to Fort Santiago and walked around there and looked like tourists.

Tomorrow we fly out to Cebu! I'm excited to see everyone, although a part of me really just wants to start teaching! I feel like if I don't start now, I won't know how to teach anymore. (Huh?!) As if I know how in the first place...... mission epic fail straight ahead. Pessimism is the way to go because if you don't fail, you're pleasantly surprised. That's brilliant logic. Just as brilliant as my other idea that education majors should go to college for free since every person in every other job couldn't have gotten there without a teacher. :)

I'm hungry.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

What did you do today?

I chased the SM Mall of Asia Marching Band through the mall with Jenn!


True story.

But let's back up to the beginning of my Saturday morning (which actually began at 4am... thank you, jet lag) and my IDP presentation! I started 45 minutes late (as expected) and probably went about a half hour overtime (making it 3 and a half hours). I was nervous, but I soon got over it and actually had a lot of fun. The main complaint was that there was not enough time! I had sooo many strategies that I flew through. I really needed to model each strategy one by one. It would have been better taught over the course of several Saturdays! It was definitely a different audience than I'm used to at school, but it was really good. I think they were had a bit of a brain overload, but they seemed to appreciate it.

After the presentation was over, Jenn and I went to the Mall of Asia to meet up with Benaiah and Joe, former PBU students! That was a lot of fun. We got there way ahead of them and were seeking to occupy ourselves. The mall was super crowded so I decided we should walk out to the back by Manila bay. I am convinced that the Mall of Asia is the most random mall ever. We were walking when suddenly we heard band music! We stopped and suddenly a swiftly marching marching band dressed in red and white band uniforms and hats come around the corner! We just stared at them trying to convince ourselves that it really was a marching band walking through the mall. I thought they were some visiting band who was promoting something and then I noticed that the drum said "SM Mall of Asia Marching Band." The mall has a marching band?!? Jenn and I decided to chase them so we could get a picture or video. I let Jenn do it because she can pass as a tourist. Hahaha. So that was hilarious.

We went back to where we had originally planned to go and discovered other random things on the "boardwalk." There was a park with exercise things that the kids were playing on. There was a small pool with giant balls that kids can climb in and try to run like hamsters while floating in the water. Really weird. Strange place this is.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rainy Tropics

Hey everyone! Just to let you know... Jenn and I made it safely to the rainy tropics! We had no difficulties our entire travel, other than being asked if we were unaccompanied minors. :) It's good to be home! We're not really doing anything today other than getting ready for my IDP presentation on Saturday and settling in and taking care of various small matters.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We're off!

Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

Saturday -- finished my manuals
Monday -- I think I'm done packing! I hope they don't get the great idea to open my suitcases up for random inspection because.. they'll never get them closed. Haha

Off to PA in a few hours and then Jenn and I fly out of Philly at 10:10am!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Counting down...

Three days until the flight to Manila...
Seven days until giving my IDP presentation that isn't finished yet...
Sixteen days until arriving in Davao...

I really should start packing and writing my manuals, eh?